
Topic: Student Questions

Indian Company And Absolut Vodka Mktg Strategies

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
which Indian company has adopted the same advertising strategy as that of ABSOLUT VODKA. and how similar has been that company’s advertisement strategy vis-à-vis ABSOLUT VODKA. it will a gr8 help if thru exhibits you can explain.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Hello Kida47,

    Please read the important guidelines especially item #5, and take a look at these past questions on the subject:

    we are NOT a home work factory. We are willing to help but you need to do some work, try looking on and if you cant find anything then go to and take the beginner tutorial.

    Then try searching again with the new knowledge, once you have done some work come back with any specific questions you have. This is your project not ours. It is designed to give you the skills to do this thing in your career as a marketer.

    I am only a first year student but i am in the top 25, with some work and effort (and going to ) you too can become a valuable member of KHE.(They help you out A LOT more if you do some work first)

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year

    Carl Crawford

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