
Topic: E-Marketing

Where Do You See Email Marketing Going In 2005 ?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Email marketing seems ready to explode in 2005, with the advent of many new providers and the realization that the ROI on email marketing is much greater than direct mailing ever was. What sort of features do you see as emerging, who will the big players be and how will email marketing as a whole impact old fashions of marketing ?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Was just reading an Asia specific web site and saw an article that might be of interest - titled something like "The End of Email in Korea" -

    If this holds true for other countries, email marketing would disappear.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Did you see Jett's recent posting on video email?

    I look forward to reading what Tim Pepper has to say.

    Me? I don't have high hopes for email marketing. Spam and virus threats are killing its legitimacy and effectiveness.

    Perhaps the future will belong to the folks who invent a way to provide truly private email accounts, instead of bricking your inboxes with security band-aids.

    - Shelley
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Jimmy,

    First, Shelley, I'm disappointed in your soothsaying, we need to talk!

    Email is alive and well and if you read all the reports will continue to be so into the future.

    If at such time it becomes displaced, it will only be because of the development and adoption of the next generation of email, and I don't mean RSS.

    The industry is changing and slowly winning the war on spam.

    Email is still the number one use of the Internet and email marketing continues to provide the 2nd best ROI of any marketing tool after SEO.

    To those of us in the industry, and our customers, there is a sense of optimism and the satisfaction of being rewarded by good marketing practices.

    My words of advice - Get in now, get your list opted-in/whitelisted, and get targeting, segmenting, testing and dynamically delivering relevant content and you won't have anything to worry about.

    When it morphs, you will be ready and able to morph with it.

    Here is just one article that discusses some of the "new directions", and there are so many more articles like this.

    I hope Paul replies, I'd like to hear his thoughts.

    I hope that helps!

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Take a look at this; it claims to be an unspamable email account.


    Personally I think Gmail is going to crush the other free mail providers. I have a yahoo account, hotmail, and gmail. I only use Hotmail so I can use MSN instant messaging and yahoo because it has a chat client with a decent size.

    My hotmail account is only 2 mb, but microsuck has been saying that they will upgrade to 250 mb for about 6 months, and typical mircosuck NOTTING HAS HAPPEND. Then the day AFTER I sent my self a gamil invite they upgraded me. It seems that this was also happening to other people, so Microsuck is reading MY EMAILs. I quickly got rid of my hotmail. Yahoo is good because it is a decent size and has good customer support.

    I once saw a 1 T (terabyte = 1000 Giga bites) account for FREE, with 500 mb attachments!!!!!!! But didn’t sign up because WHO needs that much space, that is 1/40th of my hard drive!!!!!

    I don’t think it would be profitable to offer 1T but then again who is going to use it, they sign up and might have 3 or 4 hundred megs so never actually using all 1000 gigs.

    I personally don’t like SMS because it costs money while email id FREE and instant messaging is only faster if the person is online beside there computer. Unless you have no life and /or money to pay for broadband (not me) then you can’t be online 24/7.

    On a side note I read somewhere that 9 out of every 10 SMS sent in china was SPAM. YES 90%. I got my first SMS spam yesterday, and I rang up telecom and was really pissed off. They SOLD my number to a company; I have since changed telecom companies.

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Tims comments are spot on, but not just for email marketing for all direct marketing activities ... WE MUST BET MORE PERSONAL.

    All direct marketing MUST be better targetted, and I think that will improve during 2005.

    I also think there will be better ingrategration between websites and email/SMS marketing.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Jimmy, look at the Expert rankings on the right side of this page. Dr. Pepper is your man!

    (He's right, I'm no soothsayer. I'm just a frustrated spam victim.)

    Shelley ;]

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