
Topic: Career/Training

Going To The Ecommerce Industry

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
My backgriound is from an online media industry and with a reputable advertising agency. I have a B Degree in Marketing . Now I have become very much enticed into the world of ecommerce.

What are my opp. in this industry having the experiential background?

Do I have to have a formal qualification for this?

Please advise.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    You might find you useful advice here.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Ecommerce is a very broad name for any business that does business over the web. The online media company you work with may even have done some ecommerce, if they did sales over the web.

    There are no formal requirements for ecommerce. Some colleges have ecommerce degrees, but they are few and far between right now, so companies don't look for them.

    If you want a position in marketing that is more strategic (like a marketing manager or product marketing position), then you will need to do your best to talk about how your experience relates to ecommerce. Think of any work you did that was ecommerce related (where your customers ecommerce, did your company do ecommerce, etc.).

    This is less of an issue if you are looking for a more tactical position, like MarCom. For these positions, knowledge of the marketing process (knowing how to create the ads, literature, run a trade show, etc.) is most important.

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