
Topic: Career/Training

What Are The Different Ways Of Decision Making?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
People make decisions all the time. What are the different ways of analyzing issues and available information to come up with the best decision one can make for a given situation and circumstance? For this question the description of situation is not important.

I am looking for unique thought processes that work for any situation. And yes many people make decisions by the seat of their pants but that I would not call a process.

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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    The process I have always followed is this.

    STEP 1: Problem Recognition - anticipation that you or a business needs something.

    STEP 2: Problem Definition - definition of the problem in detail.

    STEP 3: Solution Specification - the preferred approach to the solution.

    STEP 4: Supplier Search - search for and qualification of potential suppliers.

    STEP 5: Supplier Assessment - assessment of suppliers proposals/tenders.

    STEP 6: Supplier Selection - selection of supplier(s) to provide the solution needed.

    STEP 7: Place Order - Place order with chosen supplier(s).

    STEP 8: Review - review the buying decision.

    I always use this as a basic model, then tweak it for my requirements, so:

    If you want a new widget and never bought one before, you go through all Steps.

    If you have bought a widget before, but now need (for example) a cheaper supplier, you go through Steps 3 to 8.

    If you have bought a widget before and just want a simple 're-buy', then you go through Steps 6 to 8.

    I hope this makes sense and is useful to you as a starting block.

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