
Topic: Student Questions

Structure Of An Advertising Brief

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Supposing you are a marketing Executive.write an advertising brief for an agency on a consumer product which is experiencing poor sales.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Click the Search Questions link on the right side of this page, then use the keyword "brief" to find earlier Q&As posted on this forum.

    Like Randall, I must respectfully discourage you from posting your homework assignments here without putting any of your own effort into it.

    - Shelley
  • Posted by sammykarij on Accepted
    I have been working on an ad for my business. I structured the brief as follows
    1. What are the features of the product.
    2. What are the benefits of these features.
    3.Who is the person who would be benefit from the product benefits.
    4. What would I want the ad message to achieve to the target customer.
    5. What media would I use to advertise.
    6. Then work on the message.


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