
Topic: Student Questions

Customer Satisfaction Is Not Retention

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Even if a customer is satisfied it does not mean that the customer will necessary come back to you again?Restricting myself to the Hospitality Industry.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi triptjeetbachhal,

    I see a question mark but not a question. It is not clear to me what you are asking.

    Please come back and try to state more clearly what you are asking, if language is a problem then try posting in your native language, a member of the forum might be able to translate it for you.

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by Janet O. on Accepted
    Customer satisfaction does not mean retention. It's a very competitive market in today's world and there are so many choices for consumers.

    The best way to retain customers is to make sure that your product/service meets (even better would be to exceed) their expectations. If they always have positive experiences with your product/service, there is a higher chance of retention and gaining additional customers through their word of mouth.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Some businesses in the hospitality industry might struggle with customer retention simply because customers only need to use their services ONCE.

    Like Jong says, however, you can turn satisfied customers into referrals.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Expanding on what Shelly said, I once visited a customer in North Bay, Ontario (a few hours north of Toronto). We went to a nice restaurant and I stayed at a nice hotel. Definitely satisfied with the services provided, but the chances of me ever going to that area of Canada are very slim, so I will not ever use the services again.

    Actually, this is more common than one might think. I like to travel, but I also like to go to new places for me. So even though a place I visit may provide great service, by my nature I am not likely to return again.

    Businesses should not take this as a sign that they can provide bad service, of course. Your question was related to an individual'ss experience and whether that relates to repeat business. That individual can (and often will) pass on information to others about their experience, which could affect whether someone else uses that service.

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