
Topic: Student Questions

What Do We Mean By Word "alienation"

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
"Alienation" word from prespectives of human resource means what?
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    People become alienated from an organisation when for some reason they are ignored, have advantage taken of them, mismanaged, or abused in some or several ways.

    Perhaps they are socially inept in the first place so others tend to steer clear of them.

    Other times they may be alienated because of some strongly held unpopular views, their dress sense or personal hygiene.

    Can you give a particular example?

    Good Luck.

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    It means to "alienate" or "make a person feel unwelcome, unwanted, different, or 'alien' to the environment".

    If I continue to invite 23 of the 25 Top experts to parties, and always leave out one particular person , I am "alienating" them....making them feel "alien" or "foriegn" to our group.

    the word "alien" is frequently used synonymously with the word "foriegn" (I.e. Illegal alien).
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi ppsingh

    from HR perspective its like a person/employee is sort of seperated from most intentionally (by others) or untentionally (due to the person's some traits).

    alienation is a very clever way of discrimination, done with a motive. You ensure that a certain person is seperated, not invited on a excuse, people are not sharing grapevine with him, are some of the ways of alienating people in organization.


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