
Topic: Strategy

Criteria For Implementing Channel Parteners

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What are the critical areas to consider for implementing a successful IT sales channel program. for eg, in defining the criteria for an operational plan
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Other basics to look at:

    o Do they current operate in your geographic location, with the same or similar product range and same or similar customers. >>> This would determine how much assistance they would need from you or whether they are self-starters.

    o How well do they current sell these solutions. >>> Are actually good and will they provide a return for you.

    o Do they resell on behalf of others ? >>> What time will they give to your solutions ?

    o Can they bill for themselves (may not be important to you)

    o How many staff do they have ? >>> Is it a small business or do they have a good amount of resources to throw at this ?

    o How long have they been in business ?

    o Do they have any testimonials ? >>> Do they have a good reputation that will make your solutions look good.

    Good Luck
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Feed them leads. Don't expect the channel to "push" your product.

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