
Topic: Student Questions

What Are The Steps In Typical It Sales Cycle?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
What exacly is sales Cycle?
What are the steps in typical IT (Software Products/services) sales cycle?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi milind,

    here is a definition of a sales cycle:,294236,sid11_gci942893,

    also type sales cycle in to

    Try typing in IT sales cycle in to .

    If you cant find what you need then have a visit to and take the beginner tutorial.

    Please if you are a student READ THE IMPORTANT GUIDE LINES #5

    And post any further questions in the Student section,

    may i ask why you posted your question in the website critique section?

    have a nice day,

    i hope you find the answer you are looking for

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Not sure I agree with Carl when he says that you should post question in the Student Category (though I agree that putting this in the Web Site Critique section was probably not the best choice)...

    You may want to take a look at the articles on This site has a lot aimed at marketing for tech products, including a few that refer to the sales cycle.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    i am sorry if you are not a student, but we get alot of students posting there questions that can easliy be answered with a qucik google search.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Your question was about the sales cycle for IT products and services. Tjuhnke provided a very good description for software. I think we need to draw a distinction between hardware, software, and services.

    Hardware is largely a commodity purchase today. The item is budgeted, then when funds are available alternatives are considered, and a decision is made fairly quickly. A server from one company is fairly interchangable with a server from another. The sales cycle, from the point of view of the seller, is quite short.

    Software is a bit more unique, and the sales cycles are longer. Software is NOT interchangable. The more expensive packages tjuhnke described may have sales cycles of 6 month, 9 months, 18 months or more. Personally, I enjoy the long term software sales cycles.

    Services are still a different story - many service providers are essentially selling the same pool of talent (hiring contractors as needed) and so sales depend on personal relationships and networking.

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