
Topic: Student Questions

Establishment Of Product Management

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello everybody,

I'm currently writing my diploma theses for Siemens Ltd. China in Beijing. The topic is: "Product Management Training Concept". My work will include holding trainings for employees and creating templates and tools which can be used for future product development projects. The work should be very practical oriented.

Since I have no experience in PM I would be very grateful if somebody couild give me some advice where to start and what tools and templates are common pratice.

Maybe somebody has also a recommendation for a good book to use.

Thanks a lot...
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Ellen, I'm not sure why you posted this in the "About our Forum" category. I'm moving your question to the Student category...
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    One challenge you will also find is that there is no one definition of Product Management. Sometimes it involves managing the product from an inbound focus (working with the plant, engineers, R&D, and other internal facing activities - this is what many call product management), sometimes from an outbound focus(marketing, promotions, and other customer facing activities - often called product marketing), and sometimes both inbound and outbound. I've worked in all 3 types of positions, but prefer the ones that handle both inbound and outbound.

    There is an interesting web site that has a variety of articles of interest at It is mostly aimed at the product marketing site for tech companies, but is applicable to most anything.
  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted

    I notice you use the phrase "product development" in your question. If that is a major part of your project, try these links:

    Hope these help.

    Good luck with the thesis,

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