
Topic: Student Questions


Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Discuss the nature and foundation of humour. What are the functions of humour as well as the potential coflict associated with it?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted

    since you actually did some work, i will donate some point to you so you can start a new question.

    i will give you 300 points, contact the moderator ( by clicking in the link that says "Moderator Help" to thee right and up of my message) and tell her that i have given you some points for a new question.

    thank you for doing some work and just dumping your homework on the site never to return.

    also when you ask the new question make sure you put what you think to start the dissuasion.

    Have a nice day

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Sorry, gang, I'm not seeing the stellar performance that you are here. Natasha dumped not one, but TWO homework assignments into this thread. And her "enlightened responses" are rather anemic.

    I'm ready to DIScourage this kind of use of the forum, not ENcourage it.

    - Shelley
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    I suppose that the gang is seeing even the slightest spark of effort as indication of a glimmer of hope for this student. If we blow on that spark maybe it will ignite.

    OK, definitely no Nobel prize for literature yet, but let's by all means suggest she keeps trying.

    I fully support the notion of just one question per thread, though, unless it's a natural follow on from the dialogue. Which this wasn't.

    So Natasha, keep trying, but give the matter a lot more thought and show the team here the genuine effort you've put in, and you'll find you get some real value from the forum.


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