
Topic: E-Marketing

Ecommerce Newbie Looking For Advice

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I've become an online casino gaming fanatic and figure why not start my own site. Only I have no IT & Emarketing experience. I've found a full service software package license-type deal that includes web site production, back end management, accounting and ad campaign/marketing analysis and training. They will even provide 24 hr customer support for additional fees. I know I can find good IT people to work with but how realistic is it to think I can learn & handle what may come? Also, with about 1,400 online gaming sites on the web, how difficult is marketing this product and what's a reasonable marketing budget?

Thanks for taking the time.


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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Hi and welcome to marketingprofs Know-How Exchange.

    It might be worth you looking over the Guidelines if you haven't all ready.
    And also search the forum for similar questions and answers.

    Try looking at the Archives.

    You might even find the answer you need from a simple Google search.

    Enjoy your time here, but try to make it as productive as possible for yourself :-)

    Good Luck

  • Posted by sammykarij on Accepted
    My collegues have sent you good questions you should think about befor you take the deal. In order of priority I would give my advice as follows:

    A desire and an interest as you have is great, but most important is the market availability. Do you think ther is a segment of the market that is yet to be served. If there is one great. Evaluate the profit potential of the segment. It is only then you can tell how much you are willing to spend to get your site going.

    Remember the launching costs may be low but, the on going marketing determines the success of your business. You will need a marketing plan for this. Search the forum archives for ideas regarding how to develop a marketing plan.

    See what the competitors have before you think your deal is exclusively great. Evaluate their succeses, strengths and weaknesses. Then see if your software can handle those deficiencies and how it compares to their strengths.


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