
Topic: E-Marketing

Anyone Buy A Good Book Lately?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points


A young boy, 13 years of age, witnessed his family being tortured and murdered by Gestapo soldiers during a dark time in history: Poland during WWII. At that time, David Faber did not know that he would not only survive countless horrors over the next five years, but would grow up to write a book about his experiences during the war. That was the promise he made to his dead mother: to survive
and tell the world what happened. Faber survived eight concentration camps, and was liberated by the British in April, 1945, from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. By this time, he was 18 years old and weighed a mere 72 pounds. After the war, Faber moved to London, England, and eventually settled in the United States. Today, Faber lectures throughout the United States about his experiences during the Holocaust. During his lectures, he relates the Holocaust to events of recent years, emphasizing the dangers of hatred, as well as the need for mutual understanding and compassion. Over the past 15 years, hundreds of book stores have hosted book signing events with David Faber, who has also spoken at many schools and colleges, as well as civil and religious organizations.
Because of Romek conveys Faber’s story of courage and survival through Nazi atrocities. The book is also a useful, educational tool for history, humanities, social studies, and English courses in middle schools, high schools, and colleges; Because of Romek is a required text in many educational institutions throughout the United States. Faber’s goal is for the public to be aware of the horrors of the Holocaust, so as to prevent such horrors from ever occurring again.


Vincent Press, in San Diego, is looking for an Individual or Company to market "Because of Romek"- A Holocaust Survivor's Memoir written by David Faber in order to increase the yearly sales from 10,000 to 100,000 or more per year. People of all ages need to be educated so that this and other tragedies will be ended forever.
I am also looking for a Company to print and act as a warehouse for shipping and receiving for "Because of Romek"- A Holocaust Survivor's Memoir written by David Faber- my step-father.
"Because of Romek" has sold approximately 150,000 Books over the past 15 years.
Please call me at 619-697-9684 or email me at for more information or any questions. Thank you

Jeff Muchnik-Assistant to Publisher
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Everyone, Jeff has already posted this in the Projects area, so hold that suggestion.

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