
Topic: Student Questions

Ke He Sido, Soy , Y Sere Para Toda La Vida!?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    uhmm are you speckling spanish? This is an english speaking board.

    You also might want to provide some info, i can only read part of your question.

    This is what it translates to when i put it into bablefish:

    Ke I have been, I am, And Sere For All The Life!

    uhmm are Spanish you that you speckle? This is a board of English speech. You also can be that she wishes to provide a certain Info, I can only read the part of your question. This is to which it translates when I put it in bablefish: Ke I has been, I am, and Sere for all the life!

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