
Topic: Student Questions

Is Marketing And Advertising Similar Fields?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
i would like to know if marketing and advertising can be adjoined? is marketing just as creative as the advertising field? I'm aware that marketing is a vast career field, but if one is creatively and technically inclined, which path should you follow?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Advertising is one of the 4p's of marketing.

    Place, Price, Product and Promotion = eg advertising.

    Marketing is MORE creative than the advertising field. For example in advertising you come up with an ad the meet the need of the customer, but how did you find out the needs in the first place? RESEARCH, you need to be able to ask the RIGHT questions to get the right answers.

    I am only a 1 st year student but from what i have seen so far is that you really need to be technical ( unless you are an academic or writing a business proposal.)

    Hope this helps

    Carl Crawford

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