
Topic: Student Questions

Marketing Strategy For Biodegradable Detergent

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hi to the group,
Actually i am planning to launch a Biodegradable Detergent in the developing countries of South Asia. what must be considered for launching. Please tell me a breif marketing strategy an well as advertising strategy for the same.
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi vipul

    will you please explain a little more about this "biodegradable detergent". i am quite unaware that the exsiting detergents in market i.e. Tide, Ariel, Surf Excel are not biodegradable. if they are not then what are the differentiating factors of your detergents from the existing one.

    also mention the target market and other information. in fact i would suggest you to post your comments, what you have thought of this project (i think this is a homework!!). then we can help you more.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    I'd start by talking to your target consumers. Find out what they buy today, what they like/dislike about the current products, what's important to them (in terms of performance, biodegradability, etc.), how they make purchase decisions in the cagegory, etc.

    After you've spoken with several dozen consumers, then it's time to conduct quantitative research to find out how projectable the information you've gathered is. You might find that biodegradability is not important to your target market, and that they think anything biodegradable doesn't clean clothes as well. If that's the case, you'd be "pushing water uphill," right?

    You're entering a very competitive category, with some very sophisticated marketers selling products all over the world. You need to do some basic research at the consumer level to determine if you even want to start the marketing planning process. It will require a substantial investment of time, energy, and money if you really want to be successful.

    Good luck. It will be interesting to hear/read what you learn. Will you come back and share the outcome of your foray into the detergent market?

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