
Topic: Career/Training

How Do I Write A Training Proposal?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have to write a training proposal. Please give me intructions on how to write a proposal and all the key elements a proposal should include.

Thank you
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    This is a MARKETING forum. Your question seems a little out of place.

    You could close it, save your points, and come back when you have a question about marketing. ;]
  • Posted by bobhogg on Member
    Some cruel, but humorous, comments!!

    Now, assuming the questioner is trying to put together a marketing training programme, here's the main headings I include in all my marketing training proposal documents:

    1. Rationale behind the programme

    2. Aims of the Programme (and any specific objectives that can be used in measurement of training effectiveness at the end of the programme)

    3. Content of Programme (including a Programme Outline and brief outlines of each session

    4. Learning Strategies (style of training and techniques to be used)

    5. Monitoring the success of programme (from two points of view - assessment of trainees and overall effectiveness of training programme)

    6. The Trainer(s) (who they are; why they are good at their subjects)

    ...and finally, for a commercial training programme, of course...

    7. Costings (how much it will cost, and payment terms)

    Good luck,

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