
Topic: Student Questions

How To Measure Consumer Attitude

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm master degree student and just start to do my dissertation. My dissertation topic is
"A comparative study on consumer attitude toward marketing mix program in mobile service industry between UK and Thailand".
My research question
" how similarlities and differentiations on consumer attitude toward marketing mix program between UK and Thailand"
From dissertation, I don't know which are the effective techniques that can use to measure the consumer attitude and help me to answer the research question both qualitative and quantitative.

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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Well, surely you have SOME idea for how you'll measure consumer attitude or else you wouldn't have picked this as a dissertation topic!

    Why don't you tell us how you think you might approach this? Then you'll get better feedback here.

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I agree with Shelley - your question sounds like it is asking for the basics on how you should do your dissertation. But your dissertation is supposed to be based on what you learned in your classes, so you should know the basics already.

    A better question would be much more specific. E.g. I am doing my dissertation. Normally xx would be the best way to collect data for this, and this will work fine in the UK, but not in Thailand. Any suggestions on how to get around this...

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