
Topic: Student Questions

Methods Of Analysing Trends In Time Series Plots

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have been given that topic to present a write up on it and i do not quite understand how to approach it given the fact that most of my mates are blank about it and will require some basic introduction to the subject (time series) before i explain to them these methods.Can some one assist me in developing the content of my report that will assist me achieve both goals?.Thanks for helping.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    No one will deliver your homework to you in this forum. If you really expect to get some help, you need to explain what you've already done with your assignment. Demonstrate to us that you're using your own head.

    If you can't do that, then this question will be closed for you. Seek help from your professor instead.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hello ntemaug,

    have you tried looking on the internet? is your friend!!!!!!!

    i just typed your question in to google and this is what i came up with: is a good site, and i have a few power point presentations that might help you. Tell us what you have done and then send me an email (click on my name) and i will send you the power point presentations. Also i have a few ebooks that might help you.

    Make sure you include a link to the question in your email and i will send them asap *after you tell us what you have done.*

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    so tell us what you have done so far?

    have you done any work? if yes then post it here or email me and i will try to help, (click on my name). If you dont want to post it on the web i will post it on a private chat group made up of the top 30 members on this site. If you provide details we may be able to help.

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