
Topic: Student Questions

Differentiation And Models For Expansion

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I have a assignment and one of the questions is about differentiation and the other we have to come up with a new model for international expansion on a specific company which we have been given info on. Im not looking for any1 to answer the question for me im just asking for a push in the right direction. What websites or books might have usefull information on this topic. I cannot use specific info on the company apart from what i already have, my research can only be theory.

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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Here is an article I wrote about the different stages of expanding abroad - more covers the business structure of how to do it than the marketing side:

    Beyond this, your question is rather broad and doesn't really have any specific question. You may want to think of specific areas that you are having trouble answering and ask them here.
  • Posted by bobhogg on Member

    You said "one of the questions is about differentiation".

    1. in what context?
    2. what other information was in the question?
    3. what are your first thoughts about the question?

    C'mon... give us some clues, and I'm sure you'll find more help forthcoming!

    Good luck,

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