
Topic: Student Questions

Reasons For The Growth Of Bottled Water Industry

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
i am currently doing a project on the reasons why the bottled water market has become such a hugely successful growth industry and i am hoping that people might have some ideas that can help me on my way.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Dave,

    I think one reason is that, beside the fact that bottled water is available everywere now, is that peope are justifiably freaked out about drinking from municipal water supplies. As good as most treatment plants are, to get the water to that quality involves a lot of steps that end up making the water taste horrible. A good quality in-home RO system can be a hassle and if not maintained you are back to square one.

    People are more aware of the health benefits of drinking "just water" and being a more mobile society it is much harder to always have a reliable water source around, so their is the convenience of bottled water.

    Coke and Pepsi getting into it has helped tremendously as it is now possible to get a bottle of Aqua Fina or Dasani anywhere.

    Just my observations, I hope that helps!

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