
Topic: Student Questions

Re-branding Us Drink Snapple

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have recieved a brief to re-brand Snapple to take back ownership of it's 'alternative' drink ethos pioneered by themselves in 1972.
Brand values - optimistic, cheerful, happy and unpretentious
Tone of voice - not over promising - its just a drink, healthy but fun factor
Personality - loud, friendly, approachable, irreverent and quirky

other - remember snappletude: sense of style, loving to break rules, taking inspiration from everyday life and playing it back with a humourous twist and appealing to a young state of mind

My idea is to create a living character called 'Frank' who will embody everything Snapple is about. Having real problems knowing how to put this idea across to satisfy mandatory requirements - logo, packaging, point of sale, vehicle livery, and promotional routes (print, web and advertising)

Just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to take this idea forward? Deadline looming!
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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    If I understand correctly, you have decided on this idea and just need help in taking it forward, right?
    1) as Frank is 'taking Wendy's place' in the view of loyal customers, you should find a creative story for Wendy to 'pass the torch': eg she is retiring again to her tropical island (refering to the commerical when Triarc took over from Quaker) and has a cute young replacement. This way, you can transfer the positive feelings for Wendy towards Frank
    2) the above story has enough 'news value' to feature prominently on the Internet, print and tv ads. Moreover, Frank should start a blog!
    3) your different materials could reflect different aspects of Frank's healthy/real/best people on earth

    Just a thought - hope it helps: I love Snapple!

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