
Topic: E-Marketing

What To Do With

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I registered this domain a number of years ago I thought it would be great for just about anything: online community, portals, eCommerce. And then I realized that in a few years all the code would be open source for those kinds of things so why should I spend a lot of time writing it. Well now all of the code is out there on open source projects and even Microsoft has some. So, now I need to think of some kind of market to target and what to have on my web site. Does anybody have any ideas?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Sounds like a Charity site, eg in this world there are over 10000 children dieing every day etc ......
  • Posted by sammykarij on Member
    In this world you need friends -so why not have a friends making site.

    In this world you will have problems why not have tips on how to solve the problems you are an expert in solving eg accidents at home, heart attacks etc

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