
Topic: E-Marketing

Btob Emarketing Positional Strategy. How To Make Ourselves Visible?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi All,
We are a btob janitorial and industrial supplies firm based in Ohio, US. We have been operational since 1989 and recently, we decided to make our presence in internet. We have launched a website which includes product description and also a provision for order placements through shopping cart feature. The aim is to increase the btob sales, that is, the target is business customers.
My question is how to make ourselves visible in internet. I thought of search engine positioning but I am little apprehensive because of my perception that key people in purchasing departments would not look into google or other search engines in placing orders because:
1) The order volume is usually high and they are not going to pick some random company just because it got listed first in google.
2) They have to answer a lot of people while making bulk purchases.

Or in reality, companies do search the web and place orders. I do not know how this works? Please help me.

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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi buyemerald,

    Search engines are the top online method used by consumers. 41% use them to research or find a product for purchase. (

    81% of Internet users find the Web sites they’re looking for through search engines (Jupiter Research).

    All search engine traffic originates from a voluntary, audience-driven search. This means the visitors from a search results link were HUNTING for information for a specific keyword search. These searchers have selected your listing from among competitors.

    That is why both paid and unpaid search traffic is so valuable. It converts well to sales, leads, registrations and other optimal actions because the searcher is in “hunt-mode” not simply browsing around the web.

    I hope that helps!
  • Posted by sammykarij on Accepted
    Search engines are both for B2B and B2C. After all even in businesses the information is searched by people who will use the search engines. Again most traffic to your site comes the Search engines.

    Getting traffic is just the first step. The second step is to presell this traffic. Build credibility. How do you do this? Offer them information that shows you are an expert in your business.

    By the way when the decision is made by the committee you might do well if you educated one of the members offering even information download and he will do the selling for you in that committee. Don't post open pitches they dont work well on the net maybe only on ebay.

    Once you have done this you can then call them to buy.

    Hope that helps.

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