
Topic: E-Marketing

What's The Best Way To Start Email Marketing?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am considering taking on a broader and exciting medium for marketing my company's products - through email, but i just dont know where to start. There are so many books and searches found on yahoo that now, I dont have much time to browse through all of it. Im actually in the herbal industry and our company is worldwide (Synergy Worldwide, a Nature's Sunshine Products Company). I just dont know how and what's goint to be acceptable that isnt kind of spam, to my prospects.

Id like to build a network internationally and also develop and build 'top of mind' priority for my prospects - may they either be users or network business partners.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi cruisin121kay,

    There are 2 ways to go:

    1) Do it yourself

    2) Hire a professional firm to do it for you. (I recommend Pepper Blue Marketing)

    Should you choose to do it yourself (not recommended, just ask around and this will be validated) there is one book you must read:

    "E-Newsletters That Work, The Small Business Owner's Guide To Creating, Writing and Managing An Effective Electronic Newsletter"
    by Michael J. Katz - ISBN 1401091237

    Another good one is "Permission Based E-mail Marketing" by Kim MacPherson ISBN#0793142954

    Pick either one up on Amazon.

    Lastly there is a ton of great information here in the archives, go to "Search Questions" and "Search Resources" on the right sidebar.

    I hope that helps, please contact me offline if you care to discuss in more detail.

  • Posted by sammykarij on Accepted
    Build a working website that attracts qualified traffic. Get the qualified to give you their email addresses when they trust you then you can build a newsletter. Spam is spam if you don't get the permission to send emails to their owners. If you build credibility you will get this permission.

    You say you have searched everywhere -Have you visited this site that has great resources right from free e-books on net marketing writting to a great website building and marketing system. . Otherwise drop me a mail for any more queries about this.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted

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