
Topic: Student Questions

A Succesful Internet Marketing Career

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm an MBA student very much interested to pursue a
career in internet marketing. However ther is no formal course in it.Can you tell me where to begin, the areas I need to gather knowledge and how to go about it ?
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi ban_souvik,

    Actually there are courses in Internet marketing however they usually go under the name of "E-Marketing", not Internet marketing, or some other combination of hyphens and lower/uppercase.

    I know the University of Phoenix offers a course in E-Marketing in their online MBA program.

    There are also books, both general and textbooks, about E-Marketing, I suggest you read as many of these as you can and make sure they are as current as possible.

    Then, find a company who is impressed with your combination of education and motivatiion and see if they will give you an opportunity to get some real-life experience.

    I hope that helps.

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