
Topic: E-Marketing

Suppose You Meet No 1 Specialist In Emarketing..

Posted by Anonymous on 750 Points
How is he or she?
- studies: MBA or PhD in e-marketing - where?
- articles: how many and where
- work experience: what kind
- owns a company: what is the offer
- special skills - art, webdesign...
- personality
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Danay is right. The only thing that matters is the individual's track record. If they have delivered in the past and you have reason to think they can deliver in the future, everything else is irrelevant.

    Having an MBA is nice, and it often helps people structure their thinking better, but it doesn't necessarily translate to success. Similarly, writing articles only demonstrates journalistic skills. That's not what you want. You want business results.

    And personality is the least of the concerns. You're not looking for a friend, you're looking for a talented professional who can deliver against your objectives. Who cares if the person is a loner or the life of the party? All you want is results.

    Look at the person's track record. That's what really counts. And anyone who tries to change the subject or convince you that it's more than that is probably trying to compensate for their own lack of success.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Roxana,

    - Studies: MBA or PhD in e-marketing - where?

    An MBA definitely provides one with necessary tools to think more critically and make more effective business decisions, and this is something that will permeate most everything that person does. One with a specialization in e-business or marketing will do even more so.

    - Where:

    After a couple of years or real experience, it doesn't matter where it came from.

    - Articles: how many and where:

    This definitely helps establish one as an expert but the truth is that there are far more people who could/should be published but aren't quite simply because they don't have the time or desire.

    - Work experience, what kind:

    This would be in the area of Internet marketing/e-business. Direct experience planning, strategizing and implementing successful programs.

    - Owns a company, what is the offer:

    ideally one that plans, strategizes, implements and improves e-marketing programs - website, email marketing, SEO, SEM, Paid Placement, etc.

    Special skills - art, webdesign:

    Must understand how to implement the various tools of e-marketing and understand how to get their hands dirty for example know HTML and Dreamweaver.

    - Personality:

    Well, certainly likable but most importantly to be able to patiently listen to the wants and needs of prospects/customers and then have the confidence and knowledge base to tell them exactly what they need to do for a successful program.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by sammykarij on Accepted
    Academic qualifications- Be suspicious. In the field of e-business the practice is ahead of the theory. That means if they finished their MBA last year it may mean they have skills that worked four years ago. But they have the advantage of business management skills.

    Articles suggest they may have some knowledge but not necessarily experience in the field. Their writting however may mean alot if it is backed by practical experience.

    Owns a company- This only suggest they are entreprenuers. Some of the top experts in their field dont necessarily own company. Again they should own the company should be backed with real hands on experience.

    Work experience- Successful in handling various projects in different industries. May need to have failed in some but with good reasons.

    At the end of the day check out on their deliverables, history not bad but more important their understanding of tommorows trends.

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