
Topic: Student Questions

Copy-testing?what Is It?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hi i'm a 2nd yr marketing student in ireland and i was wondering if anyone here knows whether companies divulge info about their copy-testing or how they conduct it?i am comparing 2 companies and their communication-effect research and also comparing how they measure advertising effectiveness.i have tried to find info on the web about theses areas and the particular companies but it is proving difficult.any help would be appreciated, thank you, jen
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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Member

    An excellent resource is 'Which ad pulled best'?, which combines articles on copy testing, and actual tests of 40+ pairs of ads on second-day recall, recognition and persuasion

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I don't think you're going to get live, current data on advertising effectiveness or copy testing. The best you might do is get some "Brand A" kinds of examples from the market research firms that actually do the testing.

    Or try a local advertising agency and see if you can convince them to get you some information you can use.

    I'm not familiar with the "Which ad pulled best?" copy testing referenced by koen.h.pauwels. It might be worth a try, though.

    At Procter & Gamble, we had a large repository of ads that had been produced and tested, and we were able to draw some important and valuable concusions from the data about what worked and what didn't. But it's not publicly available information, as you can understand. In fact, it's among the most sensitive information in the company.

    Good luck.

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