
Topic: E-Marketing

What's The Best Competitor To Adsense?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Our website currently publishes ads from Google's Adsense. We're looking for a good competitor to replace the Google ads. Can you recommend the best ones and give any comparative analysis as to why they're better? Thanks for your help.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Grazy,

    Because of the depth and breadth of the AdSense network, I don't think that as of today's date you will find a contextual ad delivering competitor that has the critical mass that Google does and that will provide you with a comparable revenue stream.

    BUT!!! if you can wait, Yahoo! will be offering one soon.

    For now they are calling it the Yahoo! Publisher Network.

    A little bit about it here:

    You can also check out Quigo out at

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted

    I think that Tim's right - Google dominates the scene at the moment, but only for a single source.

    If you are prepared to seek out the smaller search sites which will offer you a deal on sub-hosting context driven enquiries, there are possibly only technical reasons why you can't do it (Google set up all the mechanics for you including those on your server side).

    And of course the time it will take to find search sites which have some synergy with your site so that the adverts are relevant.

    Doing it will have a secondary un-requested benefit of enhancing your search engine ratings through the site-linking part of the optimisation algorithms!

  • Posted by sammykarij on Accepted
    Unless you are talking of broader revenue generation schemes on the net no one has anything close to the google adsense.

    Probably you need explore advertising and affilliate programs. You can read more of these at .But with affiliate programs you are looking more at close sales while with adsense click-throughs are enough to get revenues stream in.

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