
Topic: Career/Training

Looking For A Tape On Selling Intangibles

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
An associate remembers buying a tape(s) that gave insights to selling intangibles. He found this very valuable in making the transition from selling tangibles. Unfortunately he can not remember the name of the tape (s) or locate them in his library. I have a sales associate that recently left a carreer in selling tangibles to selling an intangible. I believe the tape(s) might get his new carreer of to a better start than learning the differences between the two approaches from first hand experience.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I don't know of a specific tape on the subject, but the Heiman and Miller book "Strategic Selling" has a lot of good stuff in it that would certainly apply to selling intangibles. (The newer version is by Heiman and Sanchez.)

    There's also a book called "The Art of Selling Intangibles," by Gross. I haven't read it, but I know some folks who have and they say it's pretty good.

    It's possible that one or both of these books is available in audio format, or that the authors have taped a seminar that you could purchase.

    Hope this helps a little. I did some research on this when I was writing Rasputin For Hire, but I found what I needed in the Heiman/Miller book, so I never got to some of the other resources on the subject. (I was specifically looking for information on selling consulting services, and I remembered having read a lot of that in "Strategic Selling" years ago.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Joseph,

    "Selling the Invisible" by Harry Beckwith (as mentioned above) is an excellent book on selling intangibles and is available as an audio book at

    This is a classic book and unlike many audible books and tapes the contents holds true to the print version - I highly recommend it.

    I hope that helps!

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