
Topic: Student Questions

Explains How Ethical, Legal, And Regulatory Issues

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I can't seem to figure out how ethical, legal, and regulatory issues differs on a B2C site compared to a B2B site.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    This question has been asked and answered( well it was not answered because the person broke the rules) a few times please see the past questions.

    What do YOU think the answers are? tell us what YOU think and we will help you, we are not a home work factory!!!!!

    Please pst any other queation in the student section, i am moving it there now.

    Post back what you think and i will help you, but be quick as i am going to sleep in 20 min.

    read the important guide lines:

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi jestrada08,

    Carl is right, we loath doing homework. What we will do is give you feedback and engaging dialog after you have told us what you think - after you have used your brain and put to use some of that education you or your parents are paying for.

    But, today is Easter, and I've had a nice one, so I will give you an egg.

    Next time, please do the work first, consider this as a place to refine your thoughts, not jumpstart them as we remember the students who post here and what questions they have asked.

    Ethics: Since B2B counts on the sharing of mutual information ethics are a must. Accessing unauthorized areas in the trading system should not be allowed, and the privacy of partners should be protected both technically and legally.

    For the most part, proper behavior and ethics of participants are typically set forth in ethical codes developed by trade associations, commercial standard groups add the professions.

    Legal: When are electronic documents admissible evidence in a court of law? What do you do if they are not?

    Time and place can carry different dates for buyers and sellers when they are countries apart. For example, an electronic document signed in China on January 5th may have the date January 4th in New York., which date is legal?

    The use of multiple networks and trading partners makes the documentation of responsibility difficult.

    Regulatory: For the most part, the Internet is unregulated. You do have CAN-SPAM and there are gambling laws and there are laws like the Federal Telecommunications Act and the Computer Decency Act and other laws on child porn, but the Internet is largely left to the free operation of the market. As with ethics, the proper behavior of participants are typically set forth in regulatory codes developed by trade associations, commercial standard groups add the professions.

    Also check out these past threads for more discussion:

    I hope that helps, Happy Easter!

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