
Topic: Student Questions

Define B2b, B2c, C2c Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
HI everybody.

I am doing an assessment for the U. It is the last chance to get a higher scored

I have to define Business to Business, Business to customer, Customer to Customer marketing by referencing at least two journal articles and supporting all these definitions with expalmes.

Could anyone give a hand with this please?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    What work have you done so far?

    have you tried a search? ?

    For tips on using a search engine effectively go to .

    Also try going to your library and have a look in the data bases.

    I MIGHT have some time later to look, for you but you need to show us you have done a bit of work before posting. If you have already done a google search and not found anything then post back and i will see what i can do.

    Carl Crawford

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