
Topic: Career/Training

Would Taking A Sales Job...

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hi Marketing Mentors,

I would like to ask this important question. I was recently given a job offer by a good company. Though it was not for a marketing job but rather for a sales position. I am caught with the decision whether to accept it or not. My concern is this, I would like to build my Marketing career and I am worried that if I take this job, I won't be able to further gain training and know how on my preferred career. Would taking this sales job skew my goal of establishing a remarkable marketing career? Note that I am currently unemployed and is actively looking for a job. Thanks a million
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Kristine,

    My first job was a sales job with a Fortune 5 MNC and it supplied me with valuable skills that served me very well once I moved into marketing.

    Having a real world understanding of the sales function is excellent knowledge for both your professional and personal growth, you will use them forever.

    Not knowing any of the pay/performance details, if the job sounds challenging, you like the company, and nothing else is available, there are worse short-term career decisions you could make.

    I hope that helps.

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Sales experience definitely could be useful for someone looking to get in to marketing, especially into the strategic marketing positions like marketing management, brand management, product management, etc. (though perhaps not as useful for tactical positions like MarCom). In addition, if you work in sales in an industry similar to what you want to work in, you also gain valuable insight about the customer.

    You may want to look at job postings for higher level marketing jobs such as what you might be interested in 5-10 years from now, and see what the requirements are. I think you will find that many are looking for sales experience.

    One big challenge, though, will be monetary. A good sales person who works on commission will make more than someone in marketing. It can be hard to give up the money to switch to a job you like better.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Member
    Hi Kristine,

    A sales job is a great start in marketing provided your company actually envisions your growth to a marketing position in the foreseeable time. I had a similar issues 12 years ago, when Xerox wanted to hire me as a salesperson. I liked the company and knew that the company used the sales job to prepare employees for sales manager and marketing jobs. However, they told me that, with the early 90s recession, they liked me to stay for a longer time in the sales position; which is why I declined. Bottom line: check with your contacts whether the sales job gives marketing perspectives, either in the same or another company.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I've held both marketing and sales positions over the past 20 years or so, and I've always made more money in sales...

    ... I agree with everything I read above, especially that a background in selling can help you down the road in Marketing. You will need to evaluate whether or not you want to work in Sales - but you will also need to evaluate this particular opportunity. For example: will leads be provided - will there be a base pay - will travel be involved - will you have an expense account - will you be provided with sales training - will you need to sign a highly restrictive non-compete agreement - is the company well respected - is the product selling well - are the current sales folk happy?

    Good luck - if you would like me to take a look at the specifics of the offer, contact me offline.

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