
Topic: E-Marketing

Multi-lingual Email Strategies

Posted by Anonymous on 150 Points
My company (b2c) is a consumer focused global company - more than 50% of our consumers are outside the US. With that said, we are interested in targeting our email newsletter to be language specific. However, our website is only in english.

I am on the fence with this issue - if the email is another language - are we creating expectations that the site will also be in that language which in the end will only hurt our relationship - or is it actually better to send the communications in local languages to show that we are continually enhancing our web strategy and presence?

I have been searching the net for any kind of data regarding this issue and have come up empty. If someone has any thoughts - please let me know.

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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi jmirman,

    You really need to create the website so that it is also accessible in the languages of that more than 50%.

    I think you are right that you will be setting up recipients with false expectations, after all the purpose of a newsletter is to strengthen and deepend existing relationships and have subscribers respond to a call to action which is typically a landing page within your website.

    I hope that helps!

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