
Topic: Student Questions

Marketing, Operational Decision Making

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
A "brick-and-motar" company, well-established and successful must expand its service offerings with the use of the Internet to remain competitive and continue to attract new customers. What should management consider before hiring dedicated professionals, (e.g., system administrator, copywriter/editor, designer, webmaster) and outsourcing these functions?
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    I am sorry, we dont do home work here. If you tell us what YOU think then we will help you.

    I am only a secound year student but i am in the top 13 on this site, so i know how this works.

    I know that you are a first time user, so you might not have read teh rules go here:

    Also please read there questions that other students have asked and read them, then come back with a thought out question.

    If you do i am sure that you will get LOTS of help.

    Here are the questions:


    If you need some help in asking the right question then feel free to send me an email. My email is in my profile just click on my name. Make sure you have a link to the question and do a bit of ground work BEFORE you contact me.

    Have a nice day

    Carl Crawford

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