
Topic: E-Marketing

What Is The Best Day For Email Newsletters To Land And Why?

Posted by Anonymous on 75 Points
I think it is a Wednesday but people disagree.

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Hey there! Tere was a big discussion about this about a week ago.

    Check it out:

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    With regards to final total open rates it really doesn't matter.

    Statistically speaking with an average campaign typically within 4 days +- 1 after sending you have enough information from your metrics to make your decisions on the success and effectiveness and can start working on the improvements to make on the next one.

    Opens will continue to trickle in, but these are the ones that would regardless of when you sent it (out-of-office, vacation etc.) These should be few and should not affect your decision making.

    If you are looking for immediate action from your metrics, like within 2 hours, than certainly 2PM on a Thursday will provide faster opens than 2AM on a Saturday, but at the end of the week, it doesn't really matter.

    Now regarding clickthroughs, response to calls-to-action, all the other stuff that makes for a successful program, that is more dependent on other overall planning and strategy elements some of which DavidatHaley mentioned.

    The link mentioned discusses this in detail.

    Hope that helps.
  • Posted on Accepted

    you're right to think 'wednesday' - and then test test test to find a better day.

    Why Wednesday?
    a) if that feels right, then go for it, until you find a better day
    and b) back in the 50's and 60's, the eicoff agency in chicago tested a lot of direct response tv ads, and found that (generally) late on wednesday was the best time slot for response. They reckoned that folk were less interested in the programmes, and more likely to responde to the commercials. They mapped the response as a 5 fingered hand - so longest finger = peak response = wednesday!

    You've got to start somewhere - if your gut instinct says that's wednesday, go for it. And test different times of day & days of the week.

    Check opening rates, clickthroughs, and sales - the best day/time slot for opening may not give you the biggest sales.

    Check which day/timeslots get you activity from current customers, past (inactive) customers, and new prospects. You may find that the 2nd or 3d best time for opening is the one that gets you most new customers - which might be more valuable in the long run than just getting more activity fro existing customers.


    Will Rowan

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