
Topic: E-Marketing

How Do I Improve Response To My Email Campaigns?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi All,

We are a software solutions and services company dealing in outsourced IT projects. We have recently conducted a mailer campaign. Due care was taken that the email was forwarded to the decision makers in the target market segment. But still there has been no response from the prospects to the emails. How do I improve the response to my email campaigns?? Do I need to send frequent emails as follow up to the first set of mailers sent? I hope they dont write it off as spam.

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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Hari,

    Your lesson learned here is never send the exact same piece of email marketing to one group all at the same time.

    You should always do A/B split testing especially to a first time group.

    Since you basically have these componets:

    Subject Line
    Call to Action

    You need to change them but ideally only change one at a time otherwise you can't measure which one had the positive (or negative) effect.

    Yes, this means multiple A/B runs but it is is worth as you are finding out now. A great email marketing program takes time, they are not one-hit wonders, but in the long-run what you put into it is well worth it.

    There are a lot of complexities that you will get better at over time, so stick with it.

    Keep in mind many of those people "opened" but because of the way opens are registered not all email programs allow this to happen so there are people that opened it that do not show as an "open".

    I hope that helps!

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