
Topic: E-Marketing

Email Marketing Online Services

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm seriously looking at Subscriber Mail ( which is one of the leading services and they won the 2004 ClickZ Marketing Excellence Award as the Best Email Service Provider.

But so far, I see no mention of them on any of the previous threads on email marketing. Any word on the street from current users?

-- David Newman
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi David,

    Looks like nobody here uses Subscriber mail, which doesn't surprise me because it is a very competitive market.

    One company I am very familar with and highly recommend is Constant Contact at

    For the price, you can't beat them. The features set is somewhat limited when compared to the more expensive competitors such as they don't have the ability to deliver dynamic content, but for most companies starting out they work great, and their price makes for a positive ROI pretty easily.

    Free 60 day/ 100 subscriber trial makes it hard to pass up.

    I hope that helps.

  • Posted by ROIHUNTER on Accepted
    Yes, I would also recommend taking a serious look at, we use this for all our client newsletters or teach our clients how to do it themselves as the case may be.

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