
Topic: Student Questions

How To Structure Thge Literature Review

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Bill, thanks for your response and its really been helpful. The problem is that there is no available material that specifically indicates the use of marketing planning for radio stations. One only gets snippets from magazines like The advertising advantage of things that worked for certain stations.

The approach I am using with my project is to investigate the marketing planning levels of the various radio stations in Lesotho, then do an analysis of the whole environment, both the macro (political, natural, economic, social-cultural, legal etc) & micro (staffing, programming, production, etc).

My problem is on what angle to take or which marketing concepts to include in order to tackle the literature to support the creation of the marketing planning framework. Do I look at strategic marketing planning as a concept and all the steps involved in creating the process. Presently, I have looked at strategic planning and then looked at how marketing planning ascribe to the strategic planning concept. Then I looked at the link between marketing and profitability. Then I looked at the requirements for adopting a marketing perspective by any organization (management and organizational cultural concessions). The next step is to look at all the stages throughout the marketing planning process and ultimately see if can be relevant for a radio industry situation.

Any comments will be highly appreciated.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Hi, Welcome to KHE.

    First of all Thank you for the way in which you posted your question, it is very different from the typical student questions we get, which are normally people cutting and pasting there home work assignments and not responding to questions asked of them.

    A little tip about using the forum, don’t close the question until you have all the answers you need ( but make sure you close it before the moderator has to, they send an email to inform you that they will close it soon). Leave it open for at least a week so lots of people have a chance to answer it.

    Contact the moderator and tell he i will give you 250 points for you next question ( or add it to this one if you want).

    I am sorry i cant help as i am only a second year student.

    Have a nice day

    Carl Crawford

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