
Topic: Student Questions

Integrated Marketing Communication

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am currently doing my masters and i am a bit confused for the dissertation topic. I really want to do something with IMC or Marketing communication. The problem is i can't come up with a topic that will be suitable for a student to research on. It would be better if the topic has a consumer perspective as a quantitative analysis such as a survey, seems more accessible. I am finding it hard to have a topic that would do with IMC, could you please help me out.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Since we don't know what country you're in, what kinds of consumer products you're interested in, etc., it's hard to give useful advice on dissertation topics.

    If you're interested in pharmaceuticals, for example, and you live in the US, you might want to look at the strategies being used by domestic pharmacies to combat the cannibalization by Canadian pharmacies. Or you can take the other side of that and look at what the Canadian mail-order pharmacies are doing.

    You need to identify a specific industry and/or category, pick a company/brand or two, and compare their strategies. As long as you try to stay too broad, you'll never get any hard data to analyze.

    That's my take. Others may differ. (It's been a long time since I had to deal with dissertation topics!)
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I have no idea where you would get the data for such research. There are, after all, a limited number of airlines out there, and I doubt very seriously that they will share with you the statistics on customer retention and revenue just so you can write you paper...

    ... on the other hand, there are hundreds or thousands of travel agents whose worlds have been turned upside down by airline eCRM. As smaller companies, they may be more open with information. One area of research would be to look at strategies these firms have used to adapt to new airline eCRM programs, in which "Airline customer in many cases to "lost travel agency client" - and you can see what eCRM tactics used by travel agencies are successfully addressing this issue.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    great response from Telemoxie and micheal. i am little confused, weren't you looking for topics on Integrated Marketing Communication. and how is this E-CRM of airlines are fitting into your IMC dissertation?


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