
Topic: Student Questions

Is Marketing All About Selling And Advertising

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
is marketin is all about advertising and selling?do you agree with this? if not describe in brief with examples saying that marketing is not only advertising and selling
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    why i couldnt get an answer for my question?
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    how do i will know when i get answer for my question
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    how to accept my question answer?can you please help me to accept my question answer
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hello aa_minth,

    First of all, i am sorry to say we wont give you the answer to you question in its present form.

    What you need to do is read your text book, go online plug a few keywords into google and read some articles. Then come back and tell us what YOU think. Then we will tell you if you are correct or not, if not then we will give you some help.

    Also you cant accept your own answer to a question, only other peoples answers.

    This will get you started,

    while advertising and sell are a big part of Marketing there is a lot more to it than those to aspects.

    Thing like ROI, Product development, deciding the correct place to put the product, the time of the product release.. etc etc

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