
Topic: Student Questions

Migration Of Call Centres From Ireland To Asia

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm completing my dissertaion on the "migration of the call centre industry to the east". I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of where I would be able to get some information. Initially I was doing it on the call centre relocation from Ireland to Asia but I am finding it difficult to get information on MNCs that initially had call centres in Ireland and have moved to Asia. I'm basically trying to ascertain if MNCs prime reason for relocation is purly on cost saving!? If anyone has any ideas I would be most grateful. If peole can get back to me at
Thank you for your time
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  • Posted on Author
    Thanks a million Zahid
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi peter

    some of the MNCs that have moved their call centers to India are, GE, CitiGroup (its BPO is called e-serve), IBM etc.

    sorry, i dont have more information,

    good luck!
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for everybodys respones. I have found most of your responses helpful. If anybody has any other questions for me or think they might be able to help me further please contact me at
    Kindest Regards

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