
Topic: Student Questions

Stategies To Use Wen Entering International Market

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
my question is refering to Foreign direct Investment(invest in companies abroad). I wold like to know what are the strategies that companies use when they are going to enter the international market, what do they consider and reference should be made to the theory of learning stages.
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Could you explain to what you are referring when you say the answer should make reference to the theory of learning stages? Who's theory, specifically, since there is a lot out there on learning stages?

    Also, since this is in reference to Foreign Direct Investment, is the question concerning a company who is making the decision to develop a local presence by developing manufacturing and/or headquarters presence(versus expand a market into the foreign company)?

    Since our deadline is tomorrow, we're not going to have much "iteration" so it's important to understand the parameters!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    There is no way we can help you with enough information fast enough for you to incorporate it and make a deadline that's less than 24 hours away.

    It's clear you waited until the last minute and now want US to bail you out. No thanks.

    If you can get an extension on the project -- like another 30 days -- and you're willing to do some serious work on it yourself -- I suspect we can help you improve the quality of the project (and presumably the grade) significantly.

    Otherwise, come back when there's time for us to really make a difference. This is absurd.

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