
Topic: Student Questions

History Of Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Could you please tell me the historical background of the word marketing.
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    The Website, Online Etymology Dictionary has a good analysis of word origins (thus the name of the wedsite). The site is:

    The word marketing comes from the work market, with an origin from the old French, marchiet and came to English around 1154. Marchiet has Latin roots from mercatus, meaning "trading." Market meany "a meeting at a fixed time for buying and selling livestock and provisions." The verb form, to market, meaning to sell, came into play in the English language in 1635.

    The reference does not talk specifically about "marketing," but it doesn't take much of a stretch to believe that "marketing," meaning "selling" came into being at around that time.

    Wikipedia has a good article on the definition of marketing as it has evolved today at:

    "Traditionally, "marketing" has been a term applied to the craft of linking the producers (or potential producers) of a product or service with customers, both existing and potential. This general definition fails to provide any direction to someone hoping to market his products or services effectively. With that, a more modern explanation of what marketing is—and what makes it effective—is a definition coined by marketing researcher and author Brian Norris. Marketing is a four step process that begins with analyzing and defining a qualified universe of potential users or buyers. After this first phase in the marketing process, a true marketing effort succeeds in capturing the attention of the intended buyers within the targeted universe. Third, systematic effort must be put into getting the prospects to accept the concepts or propositions being offered via the marketing effort. Finally, with all three of the previous steps achieved, the marketer must convert the prospective buyer into an actual buyer by getting them to take the desired action (purchase, rent, call, download, subscribe, refer, sell, follow the law, become a member, etc.). this four step process pertains primarily to the recruitment phase of marketing. Many of our economy's product and services are faced with the simple reality thjat most of their marketing needs to be focused on the retention of existing clients and customers. The process for retention now shifts the marketer to think about building a relationship, nuturing the links, enhancing the benefits that sold the client in the first place and improving the products/service continuously to protect her business from competitive encroachments."

    Hope this helps you.

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