
Topic: E-Marketing

Suggest Company Name For Marketing Of Credit Cards

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am starting a marketing and sales company in terms of credit cards. I am also having certain projects of proving services to the communication companies like hutchinson. Also some projects like dataentry and telecalling activity and direct sales to different sectors. i can tell you that i want to start a service orient buisness. I hereby need to to people to understand the nature of buisness of my company by seeing my company's name.

please do help me for the same.

thanks and regards,

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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi ashwin

    my understanding is, you are engaging in a business which provides service of Sales, when outsourced by companies. and your industry is varied so far, from credit card selling to telecall to direct sales.

    so my ideas for names are

    "A2Z Sales"

    "3S-Sales Support Solution"

    "Ciss-Cross Sales"

    hope this helps.


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