
Topic: Student Questions

Ebay's Direct And Indirect Competitors

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
For an E-commerce project I need to find out who the main direct and indirect competitors of eBay are.. Can anybody help? Thanks
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    newspaper personal ads

    other sites that offer the same service, for instance in New Zealand it is

    people that sell products out the back of cars

    the manufacturer of the original products, because they want people to buy a new product from them not buy and older one from someone else.

    etc etc...

    sit down and think about it, there are lots of competors
  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    On-line auctions (direct)
    Yahoo online auction
    Amazon auctions

    Here's a site that reviews 184 online auction sites:

    For indirect - any place that you can buy something (new or used) or sell something

    Other categories (indirect):
    Online stores
    Physical auctions (art, estate sales, etc)
    Retail outlets
    Newspaper personal classified ads
    Radio and television ads (sometimes have personal ads
    for people who want to sell stuff)
    Bulletin boards in stores and offices (post an index card)
    Cable TV channels specializing in community personal
    classified ads

    As Foxfire said: sit down and think!

    Good luck,


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