
Topic: E-Marketing

Do People Like Vokens?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm not talking about anything from Star Trek here...

A Voken is an "Interactive virtual token". They are online clickable ads appear to float-over the content of a site. They can be closed, and sometimes they simply vanish after showing up for a while. Vokens can move around the page, can overlap existing elements, or be placed in any static location. Clicking on a voken delivers new content in the form of a new browser window or interstitial.

I'm trying to find research about:
1) The click-through rates on these versus other online ad formats,
2) The recall rates on these versus other online ad formats, and
3) The customer annoyance rate on these versus other online ads.

Ultimately, I need to know if the value of these ads outweighs the annoyance factor. Any advice or direction you can provide would be much appreciated.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Very annoying and yet sometimes very amusing.

    High recall rate, at least for me.

    Like CaseyAllen mentions, it is like video game with a short time limit as you franctically try to find the X and click it.

    Maybe this is part of the plan.

    As a marketer I also have a high tolerance rate for these
    types of things, going back to see if it will reload again etc. which I am sure is atypical of most people who stumble upon them.

  • Posted on Accepted
    I dont like them, any site that have them I never read them, let alone buy whatever they are selling.

    Reason it disturbes me eyes, I like it just plain and simple.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    My initial reaction when things start showing up on my computer and floating around the page is, "oh, no, I have a virus". Certainly these grab your attention, and I would have to say I've probably clicked on more of these than on banner ads. I'll bet the click rates would be even higher if you could reduce the FUD factor.

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    I have only ever seen them on two sites that I have visited:

    Yahoo mail and .

    For Yahoo mail it was asking me if I wanted to take a survey to improve yahoos services, I clicked it and gave them my opinion.

    For ttdown it is a permanent ad, on there home page. When I visit there site I use the plug-in for firefox and have booked marked the page that I visit most often so I can by pass it.

    Personally I like these ads better than pop ups as long as they disappear quickly if not clicked.
  • Posted on Accepted

    In terms of data on rates, the publishers (ie Yahoo!) should have reliable answers to how such popups have consistently performed.

    Personally, pop-ups are intrusive and hence why pop-up stoppers are gaining prominence.

    However, that shouldn't deter a great creative that catches the eyeball offering relevant content that 'floats' prominently for just a few sec before retreating back to its place.

    Done well, your click-through should perform 100% - 150% better than average from personal experience.

    Measuring the cost benefit for such endeavors in my opinion is not just vs the annoyance rate but whether you can get the right mix of relevancy, creative, timing and place for the popup to minimise annoyance. Compare this to just a banner on a static location, the popup shd fare better.

    Hope this helps.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi e-marketing

    although i have been exposed to VOKEN on few occassions, my 2 cents are...

    first as a surfer/net user, i simply hate it. the reasons,

    1. as others mentioned, its annoying, creates obstacles in viewing your desired webpage content.

    2. More importanly, it moves in accordance with Murphy's Law, whenever i am in a hurry to view some information from site, of all the pages of all the sites of the wold this VOKEN walks into mine.

    as a marketer i have two views.

    first, this is indeed attentive, it shakes the surfer and catches his/her attention.

    second, although this VOKEN is an innovative one, IMHO, since most surfers gets annoyed i would say, we gotta really think about whether this form of advertising is really effective or not. any advertising that annoys the target group has a high probability IMHO to have a very low recall.

    those are just my thoughts, hope this helps.

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    Wow, this is going to make a student very happy if they ever get asked a question about the pros and cons of "Vokens". LOL :P

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