
Topic: Career/Training

Hiring Freelance Sales People?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am starting a Software Development company.

I've created the company in my free time, and there is not enough income at this point to begin hiring salespeople. So I've been trying to drum up business on my own. However, as a technical person, sales is not my strength.

I've been wondering about whether I would have any luck trying to recruit a freelance salesperson willing to work on commission only. My thinking was that if someone could do this as a parttime job (much like I am at this point) then the potential would be good; I'm willing to set the commission pretty high.

Any suggestions, criticisms or alternatives? Help,or pointers to additional info, would be greatly appreciated.

-greg -> insomnia at cvzoom dot net
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    So, what exactly does the company do or make? I mean, "develop software" is a pretty vague and generic description of your main business activity.

    What's your USP?

    Why are you good at what you do?

    What makes someone interested in giving you a software development project, rather than to someone else?

    Answer these questions, and you may have half a chance of interesting someone to sell for you on a commission basis. Until then, you sound a bit like a boffin chasing a techno-dream.

    Software, like any other product, has to have some value to the end user. Go figure what value you provide, to start with.

    Good Luck...


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