
Topic: Career/Training

What Is My Title?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have a new job at a high tech company. We are about to roll out our first consumer product (in the past we've marketed mostly to government/Industrial companies/agencies) I was hired on to the Buisiness Development team, I am responsible for Internal/External Communications, Strategy and whatever graphic design and branding needs we may have. The company has not yet given me a title, and I'm not quite sure what it should be either. I report directly to the CMO
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    Is it important to have a title? Why not just let it be? Don't put a title on your business card, and perhaps people will assume you're more senior than you are.

    I'm sure I'm missing something. Why are you looking for a title?

    If you absolutely feel you need a title, how about:

    Manager of Marketing Strategy and Communication
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Leslee,

    Titles are important in as much as in our business society they imply a level of job-responsibility and decision-making. They help create a hierarchy and pecking-order, that whether it is liked or not, typically works well.

    This is important in the interactions amongst co-workers as well as people outside the organization.

    I think your dilemma is not so much what to use as the responsibility and departmental part of your title, but the hierarchy part - manager, director, senior manager etc.


    So I think you could leave this part alone and just look more at a title aligned with your job responsibilities and let it stand that you are "responsible" and reportable for these important job functions.

    You have pretty much already created this title:

    Business Development Team
    Internal/External Communications/Strategy

    Or, leave the last line off and tell people when you hand them your card "I am responsible for Internal/External Communications & Strategy, including graphic design and branding".

    This says and explains it all.

    You see this quite a bit now in the business world. As companies try to stay lean and flexible with quick and constant promotions and changing of responsibilities, doing it like this creates a map of "who's who" while still preserving most egos.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I agree with some of the others, you sound like a Brand Manager or Product Manager.

    Depending on the heirarchy, you can assign a level before the title (ie Senior Brand Manager). Since you report to the CMO, director could be fitting (ie Director of Brand Management)
  • Posted on Member
    How about:

    Marketing Manager Internal/External Communications

    Brand Manager Internal /External Communications

    Communications Executive / Communications Manager

    Director of Brand Strategy & Design

  • Posted on Member
    Brand Manager (Marketing Communications)

    Manager of Communications Strategyand branding

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