
Topic: Student Questions

Global And Domestic Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What is the difference between global and domestic marketing, and how does business ethics, economical and cutural affect them both?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Call me crazy, but this sounds like a homework assignment in need of completion.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member

    This forum is not a homework supply store. If you have some ideas yourself, and you'd like us to react to them, then you'll find us a very helpful group of marketing professionals. But when you basically want us to do your assignment for you, what you'll find is that nobody responds.

    My suggestion is that you outline the paper and write a skeleton of what you want to say. Then share with us what you've done and pose any specific questions that are getting in the way of completing the paper.

    Good luck.

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